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While I don’t want to see lyrics on trial as a matter of course, they are admissible in this case because they lay out what he plans to do. That’s a crime. You didn’t mention that.

14 days ago reply 0

India is not a democracy. We should divest from supporting multi national corporations that are making them wealthier. They are growing more anti Muslim and anti anything not just Hindu every day. Stop it now.

1 months ago reply 0

Dear God do not let Microsoft run Tik Tok!

1 months ago reply 0

Don’t forget that people who struggle to pay high rent and live indoors are impacted too by the refuse, trash, smoking and drug use, urine and that homeless people leave all over and that I pay for all of their services but I can’t use the park near my house because it’s gross. I can’t just live wherever I want. Why can people who contribute nothing?

1 months ago reply 0

Right. It hasn’t meant anything policy wise. Biden needs to cut aid to Israel but he won’t. It’s all talk and no action and no desire for action. He’ll support them if they light his kids on fire.

1 months ago reply 0

Vote those cover up artists out! We need stricter federal water laws.

1 months ago reply 0

This was a great explanation for what happened in Equador!

1 months ago reply 0

I think we can all agree that making more Floridians is a bad idea. 😉

2 months ago reply 0

Israel is thumbing their nose at the USA. Which would be fine except we are responsible for their continued existence and many Americans don’t want to continue to give our tax dollars to these monsters. Ceasefire now and Israeli occupiers out!

2 months ago reply 0

The Republican response was not so much awkward as so embarrassing that I really hope all Republicans watch this and do a little thinking about who they want to represent them. Cause geesh, that was bad. Bad and untrue.

2 months ago reply 0

We want policy change, not ports. No aid for Israel. Don’t spend my tax money on killing people. How hard is this to understand?

2 months ago reply 0

I was so excited to hear that McConnell was stepping down but I’m sorry he’s not quitting altogether.

3 months ago reply 0

I adore this poem! As one who seeks out solitude, I find the quiet moments, check in on myself. Feel myself breathing. This poem points to the mundane and the devastating. It swells and subsides into the silence between waves on the ocean. Thank you!

3 months ago reply 0

No rulings out of Alabama or Texas surprise my anymore. Sad.

3 months ago reply 0

I thought we were already sanctioning Russia to the fullest extent possible. No?

3 months ago reply 0

So Bradley Cooper didn’t call and ask to be my Valentine?

3 months ago reply 0

If my partner of 7 years has listened to me, he’d have millions and a home. Instead, he didn’t listen and he’s in massive debt and we live in a studio. I’m still glad to be with him, and I do think women have to protect our own assets.

3 months ago reply 0

Enough with the dramatic music. Let the moment/speech speak for itself. ”News” as entertainment. Blah.

3 months ago reply 0

Just to be clear. It’s not the report that is fueling concerns, it’s sham media orgs like you who are to lazy to do real reporting. You should be ashamed for this.

3 months ago reply 0

Ignorance is not bliss. It has real world consequences as this story evidences.

4 months ago reply 0