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If ECT is ever offered to treat your mental health issue see sites and as these sites talk of the law suits taking place around the brain injuries from ECT. Increased risk for suicide after ECT.

1 years ago reply 0

Amazing! I’m speechless. Thanks for your vulnerability, D!

1 years ago reply 0

This was an awesome interview. Uncomfortable, but mostly for Joels discomfort. I was so glad he allowed us to see him raw, because anyone who's ever had depression gets what that "blank" dead feeling is like. He nailed it. I was searching for a podcast to take me away from my despair today, without pretending that's not what I'm feeling. Just right. Thanks again..

2 years ago reply 0

great episode, thank you. and thanks for supporting him. it truly is depression in all of its shapes. also interview is also something that you can be subversive about and change the usual narrative, which you did. 🙂

2 years ago reply 0

Thank you for your content. I'm Catholic and so I look for that kind of content but gosh it's so nice to hear real people share what they've done with the darkness they experience and have experience ❤

3 years ago reply 0

You guys still there? New Episodes after March 2nd?

3 years ago reply 0

I'm brand new to your content 😇 I'm so thankful to have found you ❤❤❤❤❤

3 years ago reply 0

description of depression in medis

3 years ago reply 0

Love her! I started watching the show because of this podcast. Thanks for all you do!

3 years ago reply 0

Fantastic book and show. Really knows depression. Excellant guests.

4 years ago reply 0

Movie...The End...Burt & Dom....

4 years ago reply 0

thank you all, for shearing you story's. it means a lot to me.

4 years ago reply 0

I love Laurie Gottlie. I listened to her book in one day. That is all I did all day.

4 years ago reply 0

OK, at this point in the podcast, which is my 2nd time through, I find myself thinking about the same people and the same issues that would block them from hearing the message I'd want them to get from this if I could get them to listen. Before I go and say stupid shit about how I wish someone would address this specific topic, I'm gonna search for a podcast about it. But I bet the most likely place I'd find it is, (and here's the expose), in an exmormon podcast. Yeah, and there's no fucking way I'd get these people to listen to that, oh no, that's from the devil. To be able to inject any information into their psyche that doesn't come straight from church approved sources, would be a miracle. When I think of their headspace, what I imagine is a huge ass onion of layers to peel away, layers that will take multiple, emmensly subtle strategies, to even get close to the raw center. You can't just bully your way in, you gotta be super sneaky for them to grasp that there is more than one way to... Fuck, no not fuck (but also yes, but that's like 700 layers after this one), to see your way to healing? To view the world? Sadly you'd have to trick them into realizing the help they need isn't gonna be found at church, conference, in an ensign, in a lesson plan, or while on their knees. I mean, I guess the lucky few stumble upon a solution through conversation and self reflection, answers that they mistakingly came from above, but many never find answers... and when the answers don't come, what do you think happens? More guilt and shame. More thoughts of unworthiness when God doesn't help them. I'm sick to death of talking to an indoctrination wall. My loved ones are suffering needlessly. To continue to let them think depression is a punishment for lack of faith is criminal and inhumane. How do I break through? I'm the apostate, I'm fooled by Satan, I have less power than both their imagined dichotomies. 😟

4 years ago reply 0