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Furthermore re the fraudulent real estate transactions - why is DT alone NOT ALL the Real Estate and Banking Professionals involved being brought to justice/made to suffer for the unscrupulous/illegal actions?!

8 months ago reply 0

Why is it not 1 of Trumps self proclaimed nemesis have ever strait out called him out on specific details of his various public negative countered character assassinations?! It sure makes it seem to those of us still capable of objectivity - to conclude he has proof itโ€™s based on facts, not just his opinions. ๐ŸŽคdrops

8 months ago reply 0

Guess what?! NOT All injustice and unequal access to Housing, pools etc., is about being black vs white or Hispanic etc.! There are a lot of pools that were abruptly shut down all over the American nation in LOW Income and Working Poor areas that are NOT exclusively โ€œBLACK Ppl!โ€ Letโ€™s do ALL of US a Huge Favor and STOP making everything about Black vs. White! Itโ€™s NOT About that anymore. itโ€™s about a rampant ABUSE of Power and Targeting and Enslavement of Low income of ALL Colors, races etc!

10 months ago reply 0

I dont understand why racism and transgendering and all this has to be taught in school. What happened to reading, writing and arithmetic.

1 years ago reply 0

How about defining HONESTLY & OPENLY what a DEPRESSION is (in relation to the previous historical Depression Era) & what Preceded it as Well.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿคฌ๐ŸŽค๐Ÿคฏ

1 years ago reply 0

Two things. This may sound a little crazy. Is the pandemic being used to stir up fear? Two, the country is so worried about covid. What about the number 1 killer, heart disease. I do not hear about qork being done to cure this or any disease that is not covid.

2 years ago reply 0

Arenโ€™t covid rates tied to testing, the more we test, the more likely we find positives? The holidays brought a surge in testing as many wanted to travel and visit. Now, not so much.

2 years ago reply 0

The hypocrisy accusations are false, they are our next door neighbours, we have developed close links for decades, should we deny them entry?

2 years ago reply 0


2 years ago reply 1

But in Europe paying bills, picking up pensions and mail are all included in what post-office services offer.

2 years ago reply 1

People thought the drastic changes that hit us all at the beginning of the Covid nightmare was overwhelming - but now that it has come to the awful level and longterm messes of present time, it is hitting us much harder what the truly, โ€œnew normalโ€ฆโ€ is really all about. Yet there are still too many delusional middle class people incapable of admitting their next to be pushed of the sinking ship.

2 years ago reply 1

Bring back The Gist or never-slater

3 years ago reply 1

Cuomo- you forgot the last Resident's egregious behavior that he ignored and remained in ofgice. That's not to excuse Cuomo but really perspective is important and it seems to me that while Cuomo did something that was wrong but never as egregious as 45 who never apologized.

3 years ago reply 2